16 Week program for Marathon training

I outline a 16 week program to train for a marathon. I will follow this for the 16 week period that started this week, and ends on the marathon day. I will also include the post- race plan before the 2nd marathon in less than a month after the first. 

Who is this for?

This is meant for someone who aspires to finish a marathon in a sustainable manner and geared towards a more regular (non-athletic) person like I am. 

As a rt66ambassador, I will outline the training program and my progress. This is the first post on it. I will add a lot more details on the blog, and also post more frequent updates on Instagram. 

A high level summary of the training plan

August - Strength training with a focus on upper body strength

September - Fun races - shorter distance. Focus on losing weight.

October - Longer training runs. Focus on stamina & endurance

November - 1 long training run, and then recovery before race. Focus on Rt 66 marathon. Slow runs or long hikes after the race.

December - Strength training. No long runs between the two marathons.

#rt66runambassador #trainforroute66marathon #AugustForActiveStrength


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