
Showing posts from May, 2023

Early Summer Races

 June Noda 5K  Noda 5K is invariably hot and humid, but the 2023 race has a new route. There's always a ton of excitement around this evening race - one of the few evening races in the summer (the other one is the firecracker 5k) May Basass Texas I am pacing the 2:30 for this half marathon in Waco TX. Even though it's may, it is going to be a somewhat cooler 60s in the morning on the day of the race. If you want to sign up, you can use this race code be8aeef6-af77-4e82-9a90- 2c713d85cdb6/details?aff=WJLLR

Big Sur Marathon 2023

A count down of 7 things about Big Sur Marathon 2023 7. 20 Mph head winds that slowed everyone down hitting us at mile 5 and staying till past mile 16. They calmed down after that. There were gusts that I learned were 35mph.  6. 2200 Feet of elevation, that's the official number. Garmin reported 2340 ft, making it the most elevation I've climbed in a run. 5. I ran this race mostly on natural foods. My usual packet of seedless dates offered a delightful burst of energy in the initial half, and then there were cut bananas through out the route, to finish with a few strawberries. 4. No pain any time, I have taken a 'preventive' ibuprofen around mile 18 in the past. Neither did I have one on me, nor did I feel the need. 3. I carried a small backpack. Came in handy with an additional t-shirt I could peel off, and I had a battery backup that helped power up the phone. 2. I took lots of pictures, and looked at the scenery. Yes, that slowed me down, but I had a blast on the run...